Is PowerPoint inherently bad?
Swiss designer does it right

Here's a good book

ZbaToday, while taking a relaxing break in a park near Kyoto, I began reading another book related to Zen. This one is entitled Z.B.A.: Zen of Business Administration - How Zen Practice Can Transform Your Work And Your Life. I highly recommend it. A very good read, by Marc Lesser.

The last chapter of the book has a section on "35 ways you can change the world." I liked number 23: "A simple rule to follow is do good, avoid harm. Of course, this is not simple or easy." Indeed, not easy at all to implement in our daily lives, yet what could be more fundamental or important? The simplicity of the statement does not undermine its importance, in fact it underscores it. Often the seemingly simplest phrases are the most profound and have the greatest impact.

When it comes to presentation design — and visual design in general — I emphatically stress the importance of simplicity and clarity. The greatest misconception by those who are not themselves designers (or design mindful) is that "simple" is another word for dumb, or shallow, or for that which
lacks depth. The idea of simplicity, then, seems "too easy." Trust me, simplicity ain't easy. But you'd be amazed at the power of simplicity when it is achieved.


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