Grande Presentazione Italiana
October 09, 2006
I received a note the other day from Marco Montemagno, Blogosfere CEO. Marco shared a recent 10-minute presentation he made in Italy on the evolution of blogging there. Marco told me he was inspired by the Presentation Zen website and mixed in the methods of Dick Hardt, Lawrence Lessig and even a little "Takahashi Method." I'd say there is a little "Jobsian Method" in there as well. Even if you do not speak Italian, you will enjoy this presentation. This is a highly visual presentation with a good mix of images, simple (big) text, animation, and video. And Marco is obviously a personable figure. My friend and band mate Sebastiano ("Sebi") Mereu, an Italian living in Switzerland (currently in Japan), watched this presentation with me. Sebastiano said the presentation was exellent and could have been even better with 12-13 minutes rather than 10. "The information was great, the slides were informative and funny, and his voice was good. I have to admit, we Italians tend to speak fast without stopping anywhere, and Marco covered a lot of info in 10 minutes. Do it in 12 minutes with a little more variation in tempo and stress and it would have been even more awesome!" (See the video.)
For those who do not speak Italian
If you do not speak Italian, then you may want to read these summary notes (pdf) from the talk. A big thank you to Sebi for jotting down these notes while listening to the presentation. There may be some typos or some small errors in there, but this is just to give you a better idea of Marco's verbal message. Obviously his vocal and visual you can pick up on pretty well.
(Speaking of Italy, an Italian business student of mine did a great presentation (in English) in the Apple Store a while back on the issue of color, design, and brand identity in Italy and Japan.)
• Beppe Grillo (In English and Italian)
• Blogofere
• Marco Montemagno's blog
This a great example of using visual mediums to compliment the speech. And not bullet points to cause a "brain dump".
Well done.
Johan Horak
Posted by: Johan Horak | October 09, 2006 at 03:58 PM
As Italian I can confirm both that Marco's ppt was great and that Presentation Zen is becoming THE blog to look for when it comes to "communicate through presentation".
Posted by: Mary | October 10, 2006 at 10:01 PM
Good day.
And do you have variant for Russian or Germain users?
wbr Revan
Posted by: revan | October 11, 2006 at 08:30 PM
Nice example. We once conducted a presentations training programme for a corporate business group whose members came from both China and Brasil. Neither group was fluent in English. It was designed and delivered in a way that was amazingly understandable. Marco's presentation has the same impact.
Steve Roesler
Posted by: Steve Roesler | October 14, 2006 at 04:57 AM
Motto: No "brain dump" allowed.
E' la prima volta che vedo una presentazione così a "raffica" e coinvolgente. Quasi poesia recitata a memoria.. complimenti davvero.
Posted by: Gabriele Barni | October 31, 2006 at 09:42 PM