Update from Oregon
Hau'oli Makahiki Hou (Happy New Year!)

Season's Greetings

If your holiday is not going exactly as you planned, perhaps this little flash video will put a smile on your face. The original Drifters song is a classic all on its own, but the simple, creative Flash animation is a treatment you just may enjoy. Click on the screen shot below to see this unique presentation of the Drifters White Christmas from the '50s. It's not for everyone, but many of you will get a kick out of it.


Thanks Seth!
Über marketing guru and agent of change Seth Godin said some very nice things about the Presentation Zen book and even made a Presentation Zen page on Squidoo.  Seth is awesome. I can't wait to read his new book Meatball Sundae (due out December 27).

As I will be traveling more internationally in 2008, I really hope to meet many of you in the coming year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

(If you like this song, then checkout a more recent version of The Drifters singing White Christmas live.)



I'm not a marketing guru. Nevertheless, in my small world I use mouth-to-ear communication about your blog and your book.


Merry Christmas and a Special 2008, Garr, your posts and ideas are an inspiration, and a fuse that sets off my imagination.

Allan W.

I think this book is going to be remembered as a defining moment of a movement, equivalent to the web-standards movement for the way it revitalized and reshaped web design. Can't wait to get my copy!

And, not a moment too soon - I'm set to put these ideas into practice in a presentation design seminar at my company next month.


Do let us know when you would be coming to dubai..

Dr Aini Murni

'CONGRATULATIONS to you for your new book. If you coming to Malaysia, do contact me.

Dr Aini Murni

This is the correct link to my blog


Hi Garr

Just wondering why Amazon.co.uk have the book listed as £20, but its only $19 at Amazon.com - a 100% premium for buying it in the UK!

Is there any way around this?


Dr. Murni -- I am sorry about that -- I wish it were not that way. In Japan too the book goes for about $32 (yen equivalent) rather than the $20 on Amazon.com which offers the 34% discount. Completely out of the author's hands. The discount -- or lack of one -- is up to Amazon. How about ordering from the publisher directly (Peachpit) or from Amazon.com (not sure what the shipping charges are). I am sorry that the book is more expensive outside the US.

Andrew Randall


My pre-ordered copy of PZ just arrived... congratulations and happy new year!

I used many of your principles in a presentation to an exec MBA group recently and it went down well. Looking forward to doing likewise in an internal company seminar soon.

Congrats again on the great achievement!

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