Presentation in Tokyo
February 03, 2008
I'll be in Tokyo this Tuesday speaking for the Entrepreneur Association of Tokyo. Rather than the usual longer talk I do, this presentation will have much more give and take discussion specifically about presentation and communication as they relate to "the pitch" and one's brand as an entrepreneur. I have also been asked to talk about the issue of writing and designing the PZ book, getting a publisher, word of mouth marketing, etc. (Click on the slide below for more information.)
I'll be sharing some presentation advice from some well known entrepreneurs such as Seth Godin, David S. Rose ("The Pitch Coach"), and Guy Kawasaki. Speaking of Guy, checkout his "10 Questions with Garr Reynolds" if you haven't seen it yet (actually ended up being13 questions).
Here are three more talks in Japan that are open to the public (ACCJ and BCCJ require registration, DM is free).
February 19, Design Matters Japan (Apple Store, Osaka)
Here I am going to talk about the writing and design process for the PZ book, from conception to finished product.
February 20, American Chamber of Commerce Japan (P&G, Kobe)
One-hour presentation in the auditorium at P&G in Kobe (older pic). Following this talk there will be a small party across the street at the Kobe Bay Sheraton Hotel where there will be a book signing and a drawing for several of the PZ books.
March 4, British Chamber of Commerce Japan (Westin Hotel, Tokyo)
This is also about a one-hour presentation over lunch. I have presented at the Westin a few times before. It's a very nice venue.
Future events
Looks like I'll be in Silicon Valley and Honolulu the third week in March for a couple of presentations as well. I'll keep you posted. Also, a summer tour of speaking engagements for corporations and conferences/events around the world is being put together now. (For example, I'll be speaking at the Voices That Matter Web Design Conference in Nashville, TN June 10-13.) As I learn of secured dates for corporate engagements around the world, I'll let you know. My hope is that I'll be able to do some free public speaking engagements around the world (user groups, etc.). For example, if I got a firm gig with a company in Paris for, say, July 10, then I'd be happy to speak for another group in the area on July 11 and so on. I'll also try to speak at the larger Apple Stores. We'll see how (and where) it goes.
unfortunately I live on the other side of the pond (Washington, DC) and cannot make it to on of your sessions. Did you ever thought about taping these (the DM session especially) and provide these as videocasts?
Posted by: Roland | February 03, 2008 at 11:32 PM
I've been following your blog for quite some time and I find it very helpful. I live on the other side of the world and probably won't be able to make it to any of your events. I would love to watch some videos if you could provide them.
Posted by: Hiram | February 04, 2008 at 04:24 AM
Garr, Why don't you come to London to have a presentation? I will be happy to join and I am sure there are more people like that. Just a landing on you way back to Japan :)
Posted by: Paul M. | February 04, 2008 at 05:34 PM
Hi Garr
I recommended to a friend of mine who lives in Tokyo that he attend the Entrpreneur's Assoc event yesterday - he has just emailed me to say how great and timely your presentation was. And he won a copy of your book in the draw!!
And - since everyone is pushing for a visit - what about coming to Melbourne Australia sometime.
Posted by: Gordon Gray | February 06, 2008 at 01:44 PM