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New Alltop topic: presentations & speaking

Alltop A couple of months ago I talked about Alltop, which is something I use like an online magazine rack. Alltop collects stories from “all the top” sites on the web and they group these collections into individual Alltop sites based on topics such as environment, photography, science, celebrity gossip, Macintosh, politics, etc. One of the new categories is called Speaking which is a collection of the top sites on the net that focus on presentations and public speaking. (I didn't know there were so many sites dedicated to talking about speaking and presentation.) The Alltop Speaking page makes it easy now to scan the latest posts across a variety of blogs and sites related to this genre. Check it out.

The future of presentation?
(Below) Cisco CEO John Chambers was live on a Bangalore stage when he ‘beamed up’ Martin De Beer and Chuck Stucki live from San Jose, California. Chambers then had a "face to face" discussion with De Beer and Stucki on the same stage. Not sure what this means for the future of presentation, but it is very cool. Watch it.  (H/T Guy Kawasaki.)




good, Thankyou!

Allan W.

I saw this a week or so ago, and I'm still having a hard time believing what I think I'm seeing. Just amazing. I think being there in person would have helped; as it is, it's hard to tell what's virtual and what's not (the point, I'm sure). I'd love to hear more about the tech and how the "shoot" was set up (lighting, directing the subjects attention, where the camera (?) is, etc.).

Allan W.

Do the Alltop pages not have feeds? I didn't see any. That would be disappointing, as that's primarily how I 'skim' content to see what's worth reading.

Joey Asher

Cisco's Star Trek technology is another form of highly sophisticated teleconferencing. As for it's significance, it adds pressure on live presenters to ensure that their actual presence adds value. Seth Godin pointed out that (and you noted recently in your blog) technology is making it more and more important that live presenters deliver something valuable that can't be gotten from a conference call or just reading a transcript.

One way that live presenters can add value is by being as interactive as possible, making presentations a conversation where a relationship can begin.
Joey Asher


Great post Garr. I'm responsible for the TelePresence product for Bell, that we sell and install for customers, and I'll be talking with my friends at Cisco on how to go about doing this!

I agree, the pressure is on the presenter as he/she cannot get a sense for the audience and the venue...

Keep you posted.

Morriss Partee

While I think the Cisco stage technology is cool, I think there's too much emphasis on the importance of body language in trying to make the case for it, and other technologies like it. I'm not sure that seeing beads of sweat and the knowing the closeness of someone's shave is what I really want in a virtual conversation. I am all for advancing cool technology, but I think there are other ways to use technology that are less costly and more useful for remote conversations.

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