Google goes visual & simple to explain Chrome
September 04, 2008
I got a lot of emails the last few days from readers (thank you!) who loved Google's comic book introducing their new open source browser called Chrome. The Google Chrome team supplied the words and the famous Scott McCloud — who I've talked about many times before — created the comics adaptation. It's very well done; it's very creative. I love it. But you may notice that when you go through the comic online that it's a bit clunky, this is because the pages are actually designed to be printed. It is not a webcomic, says Scott. "It was designed as a printed comic for journalists and bloggers....We'll put something even better together soon." Scott did a great job with this. Perhaps it will give you some ideas for visualizing one of your future presentation projects, in addition to teaching you about Chrome. You can download the comic here on Techmech and print it out.
Explaining your story in (comic) book form
The Google comic reminds me just a bit of a interesting piece of marketing collateral by Microsoft that they put out in the form of an illustrated children's book called "Mommy, Why is There a Server in the House?" I received a copy of the "children's book" (it's not really for children) several weeks ago after I held a seminar for one of the groups at Microsoft in Redmond. During the seminar one of the breakout groups reported that the process of developing a compelling presentation has much in common with, say, writing a children's book. That is, you must know your audience and tell the story — and teach the lesson — in a creative way that connects with them in their world while still being true and honest to the content. The emphasis, then, is on the audience (or reader). You choose carefully what is important to include and what to leave out — this is your job. Creating a children's book or crafting a presentation to explain your research are of course different things, but the essence of the creative approach may not be so different. In either case, we're still asking the fundamental questions right from the start: Who are they? And why is this important for them?
Thank you for posting. I think the information overload (PPTs, web pages, emails) that we have to deal with has made people more open to new (more informal) ways to distribute information. There is a niche waiting to be filled for someone who can develop cartoon-based, elegant presentations.
Posted by: Jan Schultink | September 04, 2008 at 03:11 PM
Hi Garr
Just wanted to say thanks for your vote of confidence with the world's best presentation contest. I came across your website a couple of years ago when I was getting ready to present at Kencho in Yamaguchi-ken. Just before I spoke, was the worst presentation I had ever seen. Each slide had about 100 words in Japanese and all she did was read off the powerpoint. Everyone was asleep. I was the last speaker and I was doing mine mostly in English. I got the audience involved (about 200 Japanese teachers) and it was a success. I made jokes and kept it simple.
I want to thank you for helping me make my presentations better. I ordered your book and I refer to it a lot. It helped me with my topic on "Zimbabwe in Crisis". Thanks Garr.
Posted by: Dan Hrstich | September 04, 2008 at 04:56 PM
I don't know... apparently at least one person on the Chrome team didn't think the comic book was so excellent:
Posted by: Phillip Kerman | September 06, 2008 at 12:24 AM
The entire time I was reading it, I kept thinking "this REALLY reminds me of Scott McCloud". Then I get to the last page and... "Comic Adaptation: Scott McCloud"! Brilliant move, Google!
Posted by: Ian Adams | September 06, 2008 at 08:29 AM
I often think that the same core skills are necesary to to make a really good presentation as direct a movie . . ok, the movie thing is way more complicated. However, the ability to get your point across and how to do it seem to evolve out of the same mental process.
Good post.
Posted by: mike | September 09, 2008 at 12:19 AM
Thanks you.
Posted by: Hikaye | September 27, 2008 at 08:21 PM
Thanks a lot
Posted by: hikayeler | March 09, 2009 at 11:28 AM
Hey Garr... I didn't even know this was your site! I liked the book--though I do have a bone to pick about the stock photos... better if I explained with a video I made:
Posted by: hikaye | June 17, 2009 at 03:31 AM