Singularity Summit '08 in San Jose, CA October 25
Steve Jobs at the whiteboard (c. 1991)

Seth Godin's Tribes

Tribes Yesterday I downloaded the free audio version of Seth Godin's latest book Tribes. It's fantastic. As I have so many things to read, I didn't think I'd get to this book (which I also purchased) for a while, so I was really happy to see there is an audio version, which is read by Seth himself. I listened to the audio book on the trains and during the evening walk through the city. Even if you are already familiar with Seth's books, his blog, and presentations, you will really get a kick out of this audio book. And if you are new to Seth Godin, then this book (or audio book) is a great primer. So since we have the great Seth Godin on the brain again, here's an older 20-minute presentation below that Seth did a couple of years ago on the themes expressed in his All Marketers are Liars book — it's worth another look. Very good stuff and a wonderful, funny presentation. (The audio book is available on iTunes as well for 95 cents if you prefer not to register with Audible for the free version.)

Seth at Gel 2006

Find out more about the book and Seth Godin (yeah, I'm a member of the Seth Godin tribe).

Seth posted a slidedeck on Slideshare today of his visuals used in his presentation on Tribes. In order to make better sense of the slides you need to download the PowerPoint file — notes appear for each slide in the notes window. You'll even see me mentioned (to my surprise) on slide 109. You have the slides and you have the notes, so go out and give this presentation yourself. Well done Seth — thanks for sharing this!

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: book tribes)


Neil Bartlett

Sigh, it's not free in the UK apparently. As soon as you admit you're in the UK you get redirected to a UK version of the site which asks for £7.99/month membership...

I wonder how easy it will be to spoof it that I'm somewhere else....

Seth Godin

It's on itunes for a buck...

Thanks for the post Garr!

Andee Sellman, One Sherpa

Thanks for the tip Garr,
Always good to get information on Itunes so it can go stright into the Ipod for listening in the car etcetc

Dave Botoh


Can I ask what the heck Seth was thinking by using I mean - it's great that he's giving away the audiobook for free.. that's awesome. But what I'm wondering about is:

1) Why does this site require me to enter my email address twice - but my password only once? (when i can just fake this information anyway and go past the screen)
2) Then, instead of using my email address as my "username", I'm required to come up with something additional - that no one else is using yet.

Luckily, this can all be faked, and you're moved past the screen...

3) Right into a place where I need to download SOFTWARE in order to get access to the audio!

The goal here is to get this audiobook out to as many people as possible, to spread word about the book, and Seth in general, correct?

I can understand that Seth might like to build up his audience and collect the email addresses of the people who download the audiobook. And frankly, I'd give this info to Seth in exchange for his potentially awesome content. I don't give a hoot about, and I don't care to share this info with them.

What I can't understand is why Mr. Godin would put up all these barriers for people who just want to hear him, learn from him, and by downloading, support his career and spread information about him to all their colleagues.

So, I downloaded the software, for use on my iPod.. but you know, it'll probably ask me for that username that I can't spastically type again correctly, and the password that I don't remember, BEFORE it lets me download Seth.

I can't be bothered to install it to find out. Maybe I'll go read some Tim Ferriss.



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