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Obama's victory speech

Chicago Finally, the 2008 US presidential election is over. Yesterday, each candidate gave their final speech of the campaign after the results were in. John McCain gave a very gracious and heartfelt concession speech in Arizona shortly before President-elect Obama delivered his victory speech in Chicago. We watched both speeches live here in Japan on CNN as did millions more across the globe. I intended to make a few comments about Obama's speech in Chicago today, but my buddy and famous communications expert Bert Decker pretty much says it all. It's a short post but please read Bert's comments on the speech. Bert wrote these observations immediately after the speech. They are spot on. Obama's speech brought out emotion. I'll never forget the day (it was November 5th over here). Watch the entire speech below (or here).

Japan celebrates
Here's a clip to give you an idea of the atmosphere here in Japan yesterday. Even all the way over here in Japan there is very great interest in Obama and the US election. Here are a few snaps of the newspapers I got this morning here in Osaka posted on my Posterous site.


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