Obama's victory speech
Play is good for you (and it's good for business)

Seth Godin presentation: how to build a tribe

Tribes I mentioned this before, but Tribes is an absolute must-read for 2008. Many of you already know much of what Seth Godin talks about in the book, especially if you have been following Seth and his blog, buying his books, etc. over the years (this is not a how-to book). But there is something special and "sticky" about the way he puts it together in Tribes that reminds us of our mission and our market (tribe) and inspires us to take what we do up to another level. I have the book, but I have listened to the audio version over the past weeks during stolen moments on the train or even while working out at the gym (not easy to do). Seth did a sold-out presentation in New York recently and he put the slides he used up here on Slideshare. But even better than that, Andrew Warner over at Mixergy.com (great website) put up a video of Seth's presentation that night. It's not the highest quality recording of the presentation (tripod!), but it's of good enough quality not to distract... and it's free! It's all good stuff so watch the presentation here on the Mixergy site (there is a free audio download version there too). I was surprised and blown away when at 28:40 into the presentation, Seth used the Presentation Zen tribe/movement as one of his examples. Thanks, Seth. (And thanks to Mixergy.com, too for the video.)

Seth Godin speaks in New York to a sold-out audience. (Click image to see video on Mixergy.com).

(Note: If you like Seth Godin's ideas, then I highly recommend you follow marketing guru Mitch Joel as well. Joel's weekly podcast is fantastic. I'm a member of the Mitch Joel tribe.)

PZ makes Amazon's Best of 2008
Amazon_best_2008 In other news, I just want to take a moment to thank all of you who purchased the book Presentation Zen which went on sale just about eleven months ago now. Thanks to you, Presentation Zen has made a few of the Amazon Best Books of 2008 lists, including Top-10 Business Books (#3), Best Computer/Internet Books for Dad (#1), and the Top 100 Customer Favorites for all books (#45). There has been virtually no traditional media coverage at all and almost no traditional marketing per se, and yet the book has quietly found a large audience (and growing) which includes business people, teachers, students, and professionals of all kinds and from all parts of the globe (surprisingly, I get a lot of mail from medical doctors and scientists; more technical examples coming). The reason, of course, is the tribe. That is, you. I'm grateful for the success of the book, but if the book or the blog, etc. has helped you in even the smallest of ways to be more successful in your work — your mission —  well, that's the most rewarding thing of all. That's what it's all about: helping others change the world.

Thanks again very much to all of you for your support and kind words (and suggestions) over the years, especially this past year. I love hearing from you and about your unique situations (and I will try to do a better job answering all your email). I greatly appreciate the work that you do and the challenges that you face; I've learned a lot from you. Through the blog, and the book, and all the presentations around the world, I have received far, far more from "the tribe" than I have ever been able to give. 本当にありがとうございました!(What?)

Get connected with the PZ tribe



Jan Schultink

Congratulations Garr.


Tribes by Seth is highly recommendable, for any one who is interested in leadership as a tool for transformation and change. Those who avoid risk and act to preserve the status quo in organisations, will face the greatest risks in the future; while those who embrace change and avoids the status quo in organisations, will avoid these risks. Managers preserve status quo, while leaders promote change. And anyone can be a leader, if they have the passion and the ideas. Garr Reynolds and Presentation Zen proves that.

Mitch Joel - Twist Image

Thanks for the kind words Garr - that is some high-praise and I appreciate your friendship.

I have yet to dig into Tribes (still trying to slog through the writing of my book), but it makes me very proud to see how highly you ranked on that list.

It is very well-deserved and I am, without a question, in your Tribe as well. I have been reading and following presentation and design books and Blogs for years, but Presentation Zen is heads and shoulders above the Amazon list.

You deserve this high rank... but you also deserve a whole lot more. Mostly because the world is a better place with PZ in it - there's a lot less nodding off in meetings going on now.

Thanks for inspiring us all.

Mike Sporer

We are doing a building/renovation project at our school. We are depending on a large presentation to sell the project and get approval. I'm pushing the engineers to use visuals to support facts rather than just the facts themselves in the presentation. I learned much of that from Presentation Zen. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and helping others "change the world".

Andrew of Mixergy

Wow. Thanks for including me on your site.

I'm going to have such a fun Saturday now. Because of this post, I got a ton of comments on my blog, lots of emails and even tweets.

I can't wait to talk to all the people that your post is introducing me to.

Thank you!


Congratulations on your amazon results. I have been recommending your book to anyone and everyone (in fact I even recommend it in my forthcoming book). Like your blog it goes far beyond the world of presentation to the core of what business can be. Thanks for sharing all your insights including this presentation on Tribes.

Sebastiano Mereu

Congrats, Garr!
I knew your book would become this big after, actually before, reading the first chapter. Looking forward to more of your great and influential thoughts, and to presentations in Europe!
Cheers, sebi


Tondemonai! Your book is fabulous and has changed the way that I do my PPT decks forever (as well as the way I look at everyone else's). Kimi ni mo, domo arigato gozaimasu.

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