Zen, jazz, & creativity: Lessons from the art of jazz (part III)
Apple's Keynote Remote: first impressions

Presentation Reboot (Silicon Valley): March 17, 18, or 19

Reboot_photo_top If you are committed to becoming a better presenter and visual thinker, then come join Nancy Duarte and me for a full-day seminar in the middle of March (March 17, 18, or 19) in Santa Clara, California (the heart of Silicon Valley). Nancy Duarte is author of the best-selling book Slide:ology (which I praised in this video from the summer) and is CEO of Duarte Design, the firm behind the creation of the best presentations you've ever seen including the presentation for Al Gore's Oscar-winning film, An Inconvenient Truth. Nancy brings a wealth of experience from years of working with the top firms in Silicon Valley and beyond. In addition to Nancy and myself, a few of the talented Duarte designers will also be on hand to answer questions and provide assistance. You have heard me go on and on about Duarte Design in the past, but they are simply the best. If you can not attend Presentation Reboot, then checkout one of the seminars offered at the head office of Duarte Design in Mountain View.


Ending the scourge of really bad slide presentations
If you would like to help rid the world of bad slide presentations, then please tell everyone you know about this one-day seminar (offered three times). Economic times are tough and budgets are tight; it may not seem like the best time for communication training. But in this climate, it's more important than ever that you (or your employees) be able to differentiate yourself and effectively tell your story. One of the best ways of telling your story and making a difference in your field is through presentations that are sincere, engaging, and memorable. This seminar will help. If even only one or two from your organization can attend, they will be able to return to your company and help many others transform their presentations. The day will be educational, fast-paced, interactive, and fun (if you need permission from your boss, then change that "fun" part to "really hard work").


Just the facts
WHAT: Full-day seminar (includes PZ and Slide:ology books, lunch)
WHEN: March 17,18, or 19 (choose a day)
Santa Clara Techmart (Silicon Valley, USA)
COST: $675 (volume and student discounts available)

For questions, volume discounts, or student discounts contact [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you there in March!

(A few pics from our prep meeting last week while I was in the States.)


David McQueen

I wish you guys were in the UK

Ken Burgin

Make sure you get your timing right Garr - we want to see all the slides! Just saying...(saw you in Sydney)


Portland would love to see you. Edward Tufte packed the room, you probably can too.

Art Johnson

I'd like to go to either presentation/reboot OR the Duarte workshop. I saw the agenda for the workshop and it looks very hands on. Will presentation/reboot be structured similarly? 125 attendees seems to be quite a few. Will there be breakouts or activities?

Art Johnson


Hi Art,

The seminars at Duarte will have fewer people in the room -- that is a good thing for many people. Presentation Reboot will have good networking too (oh, and I'll be there :-) ) The seminars at Duarte's head office are awesome too. You can't lose either way. Cheers! -g

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