Giving a 10-minute presentation with a single slide: Steven Johnson on the Ghost Map
Be like the bamboo: 7 lessons from the Japanese forest

Inspiring, contagious presentation: Kiran Bir Sethi teaches kids to take charge

Kiran In my search for presentations with a strong message and delivered in the naked style (honest, transparent, engaging, inspiring, simple visuals and approach, etc.), I stumbled upon two TED talks from TEDIndia held last November. Both deal with transformations in education, a hot topic of great interest to all of us. The first one is by educator (and designer) Kiran Bir Sethi below. She is fabulous. She starts her talk by saying that contagious is a good word and reminds the audience that many good things in life, like a smile, passion, and inspiration, are contagious. And she indeed has an infectious (and contagious) smile and a passion that are a perfect fit for her inspiring, positive talk. One of Sethi's main points is "if education is embedded in a real world context — blurring the boundaries between school and life — then children go through a journey of Aware (where they can see the change), Enable (be changed), and Empower (lead the change)." It starts with believing in kids: "When adults believe in children and say 'you can!' then they will."  At the end I loved how she referenced Gandhi—one man's influence—in changing a nation by spreading a "we can" message. Who, then, will help spread the infection of "we can" from these 100,000 children to the other 200 million children in India, Sethi asks.

You may have noticed that Sethi used the cool tool called Prezi. Prezi can be used in many way; in this case Sethi used it smoothly in a linear fashion as text would enter in perfect sync with her narrative and videos played on cue. Note that she didn't stand behind a lectern, turn around or fumble around with the technology. The technology was there and it helped her talk, but it did not become a barrier. Her message and delivery were wonderful.

Shukla Bose: Teaching one child at a time
This is another inspiring talk below. Shukla Bose does not use slides except to bring in video clips from time to time; mainly it is her and her story, front and center and delivered with passion and an infectious optimism. She's doing such good, important work. It's important for leaders like this to be able to stand and tell their story, and she does it very well.


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These illustrations are stunning. Thanks for sharing.


Hello Garr,
You should definitely watch Sunitha Krishnan's talk from TED. It is extremely powerful, heartwrenching and delivered with all simplicity.


Even Prezi is cool as a breaker of barriers- thanks for sharing.

Jude Rathburn

Contagious is indeed a good word!

Jason Lee

Enjoyed Kiran's talk a lot.

Will be using Prezie for my Media Law presentation later this semester all the way in Tasmania!

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