Start your presentation with PUNCH
The animated Sir Ken Robinson

Presentation Zen Seminar in Paris December 7

Paris_slide On December 7, I will be conducting a 5-hour presentation seminar in Paris, France in English. The Presentation Zen European Seminar 2010 is sponsored by the cool people at Ideas on Stage in association with Pearson and Microsoft. Although I have stops in Milano and London this December, the Paris event is the only public seminar that I am able to do. So far many people have registered from several countries outside of France so this event promises to have a great mix of participants. Wherever you may be in Europe (or even outside of Europe), please consider a trip to the beautiful city of Paris in December. The seminar is the day before the Le Web 2010 Conference, so if you're planning on coming to Paris for that great conference, why not come a bit early? The seminar is on Tuesday the 7th and I am hoping to hold an informal tweet up the night before for seminar attendees. The content of the interactive seminar will include ideas and practices on preparation, design, and delivery for the kinds visual, story-driven presentations that make an impact and create change. If you needed an excuse to get your boss to send you to one of the world's most gorgeous and remarkable cities, here's your chance. I look forward to meeting you in Paris!

Register for the conference on the Ideas on Stage website in English or in French or check out Phil Waknell's blog post on the event.

Recently I have been conducting sold-out seminars in Tokyo in association with Nikkei that have been a lot of fun (and educational) for all involved. See some pics of those seminars. And here are some pics from the last time I presented in Paris this past summer.


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