The need for connection & engagement in education
Here's to a happy and naked new year!

Upcoming presentations

Milano_garr Last night I presented at Presentation Reloaded, 6:00pm here in Milan. Today I am off to snowy London. Here are a few of the places I'll be making presentations over the next couple of weeks.
Dec 2, London. Apple Store Regent Street, Dec 2 in London, 7:00pm
Presentation is free and open to the public.
• Dec 3, Oxford. Presentation Zen at Oxford University. 11:45 am
The presentation is booked up but there is a waiting list for students.
• Dec 7, Paris. Presentation Zen European Seminar.
This is a 5-hour seminar hosted by Ideas on Stage and Microsoft.
• Dec 14, Tokyo.
Apple Store Ginza. Presentation is free and open to the public.


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