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New: Presentation Zen (2nd Edition)

Pz_istockphoto.Four years ago my first book Presentation Zen was published by Peachpit Press. Since then I wrote two other presentation books and a sketchbook/storyboard book and a DVD (plus an additional DVD/Book just for Japan). Although a lot of time had passed, I was still happy with the original Presentation Zen. And yet, the original Presentation Zen book could benefit from a little freshening up in the form of a 2nd edition for 2012. This 2nd edition of Presentation Zen has the same look and feel as the original book and I still did all the design and layout myself. The biggest difference is the book is about 70 pages longer, and although the same high-quality paper is used this time, the price is lower than the original.

Presentation_zen_2nd   PZ_2nd_backcover
Above: The front and back covers (click for larger view).

Frequently asked questions
I get a lot of questions about the book (thank you!), so below is a brief FAQ. I hope this helps.

I already have the first edition, should I get the 2nd edition?
I intentionally did not change too much from the first book. My goal with this 2nd edition was to make the first edition better and more complete, not to rework everything in the book. So if you have the first edition and are looking for something completely different, then you should not get this book. If you liked the first edition and you'd like to own a newer and better version of the first, then you will be happy with the book. Of course, if you do not have the first edition, then although I am quite biased, I can highly recommend you get this 2nd edition. (See Dirk Haun's overview of the 2nd edition at the mobilepresenter.) To give you a better sense for the look and feel of the new 312-page book I sat down in our washitsu at home in Nara, Japan and recorded this rough 4-min video on my iPhone (YouTube link).

I hear there is a DVD with the 2nd edition. Is this true?
Barne_noble_pzBarnes & Noble are indeed including the Presentation Zen DVD I made in 2009 with the 2nd edition. This deal is a special promotion available only with Barnes & Noble. This was B&N's idea. Although the DVD is not new, the ideas and examples are still reflected in the 2nd edition book. The B&N price is cheaper than even Amazon (which does not include the DVD) and is almost 1/2 off the list price. The 50-minute DVD is broken in to four sections and many teachers and instructors use the DVD as part of their own classes or seminars.

Is there an ebook version?
Ipad_pz2_kindleYes, there are ebook versions on Amazon and on iTunes and ebook and PDF versions available here at Peachpit Press (which sells a bundle of two ebook versions plus hard copy for one price). The visual presentation of the ideas in the book are much better and more complete in the paper format compared to the ebook version available on Amazon, but the Kindle version does have advantages (including cost) and I am a big user of Kindle books for the iPad. (The photo above is of the 2nd edition on the Kindle app for iPad and gives you a sense for how the design of the book is disrupted in this format.)

Is there a special offer on free images from iStockphoto?
Istockphoto_offer_slide.321Yes. iStockphoto has been very supportive of all my work and they are indeed offering 10 free high-resolution images again. This deal is only available for the hardcopy version. At the back of the hard copy you'll see an iStockphoto page which has a special url that will take you to the Presentation Zen 2nd Edition iStockphoto page. You can use a special code to get 20% off a purchase from their massive collection or you can just get the 10 images you like for free from the selection of 50 high-res images. (The Japanese garden images here and at the top of this post are part of the 50. The original size of each is 4304x2800 at 300dpi which is suitable for printing, or you can reduce the image size for presentations or web, etc.)

Thanks very much to everyone who has purchased the 2nd Edition already (or any of my books for that matter). Your support in trying to help people present and generally communicate better is greatly appreciated. There is still along ways to go, but there has been good improvement. And I thank you for that.


Account Deleted

Good luck Garr also for the second edition I'm sure will be amazing like the first one!
Can't wait to read it :)

Elizabeth Olsen

The B&N price is cheaper than even Amazon (which does not include the DVD) and is almost 1/2 off the list price. The 50-minute DVD is broken in to four sections and many teachers and instructors use the DVD as part of their own classes or seminars.


The first edition of "Presentation Zen" forever changed the way I do slides! Looking forward to seeing the 2nd edition!


Good luck with this Garr. Not that you need it actually as your first one changed the world of presentations forever! Look forward to the additions

Oliver Gibson

The first one of these was a cracking bible for me, wihlst creating my presentations at work. Everyone now thinks I'm some sort of guru when it comes to these, but my thanks go to you :)

Flip It Consulting

Loved the book, but maybe future editions could allow the iStockPhoto discount on my Kindle edition.

Jose C Silva

"The visual presentation of the ideas in the book are much better and more complete in the paper format compared to the ebook version available on Amazon"

Two questions:

1- Does the iBooks version have better visual presentation than the Kindle version (and how does it compare with the paper version)?

2- [When] Are you going to make a more interactive version of the book using iBooks Author?


Sadia Romi

its really amazing and Good luck with this Garr. Not that you need it actually as your first one changed the world of presentations forever http://www.birdco.info/


Is there a specify reason because the book is available only in the U.S. iBook store?
I'm from Italy and I've an Italian Apple ID and I can't find the book in the italian store.

Guy van der Kolk

Have been a reader for very long time, and decided to support you and your hard work by buying this book and "The naked presenter". Thank you for being an inspiring source for a different way!

Kelly Nelson

I think all that new technology and iBooks is great but personaly I prefer papar books, but this is great review

Locksmith Southampton

Sounds great, Garr - I'm looking forward to the DVD. It always helps to actually see things rather than just reading so I think it will be even more useful. Best of luck with the new edition.

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