TEDxKyoto held Sept 16 (Update: videos now live)
Stop Stealing Dreams: Seth Godin on Education & School

Presentation European Seminars 2012 in London Nov 7 & 8


In cooperation with Ideas on Stage, I'll be holding two day-long presentation seminars in London November 7 & 8. Participants may register for either day or for both days. The first seminar (Nov 7) is similar to the Presentation Zen European Seminars which were held in Paris in previous years. This first first seminar will take participants through the Presentation Zen approach to preparation, design, and delivery. All three areas will be covered in an interactive, upbeat setting, with special emphasis on design and effective visual communication.

The second seminar (Nov 8) focuses on the importance of story and storytelling in presentation, especially short-form presentations which are now popular at conferences and other events such as TED, Ignite, Pecha-Kucha, Webstock, etc. This storytelling seminar includes discussions on the definition of story, why story is a powerful approach to communication and teaching. In the storytelling seminar the emphasis will be story structure and applying practical lessons from screen plays and the art of cinema to live presentations, especially those presentations created and delivered with the help of multimedia. (More information is available on the Ideas on Stage wesbite or click on the image below to register for one or both days.)


A few pics from past seminars
Here are some snaps from past seminars to give you a feel for the atmosphere. The Presentation Zen European Seminars sold out fast in previous years, mostly because we kept the size relatively small to achieve a relaxed atmosphere and better engagement. The Hilton in London gives us more room, yet we still are limiting the spaces to keep the atmosphere intimate and friendly. For London we hope to keep the first day to around 100 participants and the storytelling seminar to 70 participants. So far — just by using Twitter and Facebook — people have signed up from over a dozen countries, including as far away as Japan. The audience that has signed up so far is extremely diverse and includes academics, designers, IT professionals, surgeons and other medical professionals, and business people from myriad fields. (Hopefully the audience will include you as well!)

6a00d83451b64669e20153919e4c09970b-800wi  Books paris
Seminario-presentation-zen-paris  Img_9708
Tokyo_2  Tokyo_seminar
IMG_5730  IMG_5727
Above: A few snaps from recent Presentation Zen seminars in Paris, Tokyo, and Shanghai. This will be the first PZ seminar series in London (although I have presented several times in London, Oxford, etc.).

Held at the Hilton London Paddington Hotel
The Hilton London Paddington is a classic hotel that is centrally located and has easy access from Heathrow (Paddington Station) and the Eurostar (St Pancras station). Fantastic hotel and a great location.


A couple of testimonials from the Paris seminars in previous years

"It truly was an excellent workshop and an engaging experience. These are best practices for effective communication across a variety of media. It cannot be hammered home enough just how important these concepts are to effective communication, whoever you are and whatever your personal or professional goals. A big thanks to Garr Reynolds for sharing his energy, talent, and knowledge and to the gracious, generous organizers for what I wholeheartedly agree was a first-class event."

    — Sara Freitas-Maltaverne, Director, SFM Traduction, France

"Garr's seminars in Paris were the rare opportunity to see him live in Europe and take an active part in the Presentation Zen movement. His presentation skills are outstanding and his message is simple yet powerful. Meeting other interested and interesting presenters helped me to gain a new perspective on presentations."

      — Boris Baesler, Presentation Coach, Switzerland

More information about the Presentation European Seminars 2012.

東京 Nikkei Seminar 10月4日
日 本の皆さんも、オリンピックの熱気が冷めやらぬロンドンでのトレーニングに参加しませんか?今のところ、日本を含む15の国から参加者が集ってきていま す。ロンドンが無理なら、10月4日に東京で開催される1日集中セミナーにぜひご参加ください。ロンドンでも東京でも(もちろん両方でも!)、皆さんにお 会いできるのを楽しみにしています。

プレゼンテーションZen 第2版 Now on Sale! 


Daniel Faragó

This year meet you there my friend(s).

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