Tips on how to be more creative by John Cleese
Presentation European Seminars 2012 in London Nov 7 & 8

TEDxKyoto held Sept 16 (Update: videos now live)

TedxkyotoThe first big TEDxKyoto will be held this Sunday, Sept 16 in the beautiful and historic city of Kyoto, Japan. Years of preparation and planning have gone in to this event and the organizers have worked very hard to put on a first class TEDx conference. Most of the presentations will be in Japanese (with interpretation) and there are a great list of speakers from all over Japan and the world. A few presentations will be in English, including mine which is schedule near the end of the day. I'll be speaking for about 15 min on the impact of visuals, video, and story in short-form presentations today. You can follow the event live on ustream. The videos will be on line in HD soon after the event. Below is a teaser for the event in video form. And if you are attending the event live in Kyoto, I look forward to seeing you there.


We all had a great time at the inaugural TEDxKyoto event Sept 16. The audience was great and full of very interesting creatives and leaders from tech, entertainment, design, education, etc. The after party was fantastic—met so many cool people. In a few weeks the videos of each speaker/performer will be up on the TEDxKyoto site and on Here are a few pics from the event.

Garr Reynolds on stage at TEDxKyoto, Sept 16, 2012.

Osho-san_garr  Makoto_kyoto
Left: With Zen Priest Daiko Matsuyama from the Taizon Temple in Kyoto. Meant a lot to have him say how much he appreciated the PZ approach to presentation. Right: With Patrick Newell (co-founder of TEDxTokyo), and Makoto Kyoto (a genuine Geiko or Geisha). Makoto is a jazz singer too — here is her album on Amazon.


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