Eric Mazur: confessions of a converted lecturer
March 26, 2013
I thought I was a good teacher
"I thought I was a good teacher until I discovered my students were just memorizing information rather than learning to understand the material," says Mazur. "Who was to blame? The students? The material?" In this presentation below from 2009 entitled "Confessions of a Converted Lecturer," Mazur explains how he came to the conclusion that "It was my teaching that caused students to fail!" If you have the time I recommend that you watch the entire presentation (over one hour in length). However, there is a rough edit of the same presentation that is still fairly good at getting Mazur's key points across in just 18 minutes. Watch the abridged version here on Youtube.
In summary
Dr. Mazur's approach: (1) Students read the notes and appropriate section of books, etc. before coming to class. "I am not going to lecture on the notes anymore," Mazur says. (2) In the classroom what matters is going deeper. "What's important is depth not coverage." The pre-assigned readings take care of the coverage, but class time offers the chance to go deeper and spend time on those parts that were most difficult for students. This depth, says Mazur, is not obtained through telling but by using a more Socratic method of asking good questions.
The two main features of the peer instruction approach is that (1) there is active engagement in the classroom. "It's impossible to sleep in class because every few minutes your neighbor will start talking to you." And (2) there is continuous information flow back and forth with the student and teacher and also between students. What about solving the physics problems in class? Mazur says that he realized students watching a professor solve problems at the blackboard had little lasting benefit. The benefit of watching a physicist solve problems at the board, says Mazur, is something like training to run a marathon by sitting on the sofa eating chips all day and watching videos of great marathon runners. If you want to be a better runner, you have to run. If you want to be a better problem solver, you have to solve problems. In the end what Mazur found is that when students better understand the material (by going deep, discussing with peers, teaching to peers, etc.), they become better problem solvers. Interestingly, however, Mazur discovered that being a good problem solver (and doing well on tests) did not always indicate understanding.
There are two basic and important points that Dr. Mazur made in this presentation: (1) "Traditional indicators of success are misleading." That is, teacher evaluations and examination results do not reflect whether students really understand the content, even if they do well on the tests. (2) "Education is no longer about information." Mazur says the key is not memorizing recipes and formulas to do well on a test, but rather to develop and demonstrate the ability to use the information to solve problems.
This is an incredible post, thank you. I work with Eric and I have seen him give this talk many, many times and each time I learn something new. In fact, in my dissertation I was investigating why STEM professors at major research universities were striving to improve their introductory teaching. One after the other, they told me they heard Eric's talk and it changed them. He resonates deeply with those who want to make a difference in their students' lives - and he follows all of Garr's rules :)
You can read more about Eric's methods on our official Peer Instruction blog -
Posted by: Blog | March 27, 2013 at 06:13 AM
I'm always suprised that the teachers are the ones evaluating and discussing the teaching's efficiency. So funny.
Could it be that the teaching is "efficient" (i refer here to the student perspective, which is the only one valuable/receivable, as the student is the one supposed to get a benefit from the teaching) only when the student receives the right amount of the right information at the right moment? ("right" refering here to the student's own perception of things)
That is to say, that real learning can happen only when the seeker/learner/requester/needing person is the one deciding-leading the information-sharing process in both its form, content and duration?
That is to say, that real learning can happen only when there is no teaching process decided and organised by a teacher?
Cf. Ivan Illich, John Holt, Ekkehard von Braunmühl and others.
My experience fits so well with their wise observations...
Posted by: Armelle | October 30, 2015 at 10:06 PM
I'm dissapointed that my first comment did not appeared on the website. So here i am, trying again, because I think it was still an interesting step ahead that i was proposing, to think deeper and further about what education actually is abour, in a general way.
So yes, to follow up with observations made by Dr Mazur (and congrat's to him for the investigations), i'd like to go even further.
That teachers are the ones evaluating and discussing the teaching's efficiency should surprise us. But for the majority of people it doesn't, because we have always been told, from childhood, that this is how things are meant to me.
But wait, shouldn't teaching efficiency be evaluated from the student perspective? I mean, the student is the one supposed to get a benefit from the teaching, isn't it? If not, who?
Could it be that the teaching is "efficient" (student's perspective) only when the student receives the right amount of the right information at the right moment? ("right" refering here again to the student's perception)
That is to say, that real learning (that is to say, understanding) can happen only when the seeker/learner/requester/needing person is the one deciding-leading the information-sharing process in both its form, content and duration?
That is to say, that the best and most efficient learning happens when there is no teaching process decided and organised by a teacher?
Cf. Ivan Illich, John Holt, Ekkehard von Braunmühl and others.
At least, my experience fits very well with these guys' observations.
Take care everybody and have a beautiful life: feel free and fly far.
Armelle, from France.
(mentionning this just in case my English sounds weird)
Posted by: Armelle | November 01, 2015 at 07:48 AM