Interview with Patrick Newell from TEDGlobal 2013
June 19, 2013
Last Friday I spoke via Skype with Patrick who was in Edinburgh, Scotland for TEDGlobal 2013 at the time. Below I include the audio track on YouTube from our short conversation (the video was buggy and out of sync). Here are some of the questions I asked Patrick in our 12-min interview. If any of these questions seem interesting, you may want to watch listen to the interview.
• What makes for a good TED talk?
• Do you have an example of a TEDster who greatly improved their talk?
• What makes for a really bad TED talk?
• How do you deal with someone who does not think they need to improve?
• Do you think there is a real value to the short-form, "TED Style" talk?
• Any advice for someone who wants to organize a TEDx event?
• Any tips from Chris Anderson's presentation seminar at TEDGlobal 2013?
Links from the interview
• TED presenter "BLACK" from TED 2013 - an inspiring 10 minutes
• How to Give a Killer Presentation - a great HBR article
• Patrick Newell's website
Hey Garr, great interview with Patrick via Edinburgh. You guys hit on a number of key points that I have observed over the years working as a university lecturer in Japan and being involved with TEDx over the years. I especially like what you said about being authentic. Some people need to actually go in reverse and tone down the polish - show the messy side. Anyway, well done. Look forward to the next podcast!
Posted by: David Simpson | June 21, 2013 at 05:53 PM