Proud to Be: A visual, visceral, & evocative message
January 30, 2014
Thanks to Brene Brown's tweet, I stumbled upon this short video with a powerful message below. As it is Super Bowl week over in the United States, this is a timely message. The PSA was released by the National Congress of American Indians and produced by the agency Goodness Mfg. This two-minute video presentation uses compelling video and historic archive photography along with music and narration to deliver a message that is evocative, provocative, and strong. There are compelling juxtapositions using quick contrasts in imagery and narration right from the beginning which hits you at a visceral level and brings you in. Then the arc builds and the energy rises with mostly positive imagery and narration. The final message is both subtle and direct. It is subtle in the sense that it is never said explicitly in words what the final message is, but the final visuals make the message unabashedly clear.
• CBC News (Canada) reporting on the PSA video
• reports on the video
• shows the video
• CBC News (Canada) reporting on the PSA video
• reports on the video
• shows the video