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Human Imperfection & the Art of Making a Connection with the Audience

Presentation Zen workshops in Washington DC, March 21-22


Ideas on Stage
will hold more Presentation Zen Experience seminars, beginning in Washington DC, March 21-22. The first seminar was held last October in Paris and it was a big success. Participants loved it; the feedback was fantastic. The facilitator for these seminars is once again the incomparable Phil Waknell, co-founder of Ideas on Stage, the premier presentation design and training company in Europe. I will not attend these workshops personally, but the content is all designed by me in cooperation with Phil and his team of storytellers and designers at Ideas on Stage.

I have been impressed by the team at Ideas on Stage over the years and they do a great job facilitating the seminar. The content will cover (1) Preparation techniques of a live talk, (2) How to design simple and effective visuals, and (3) Tips and tricks for delivering your talk in a way that is natural yet dynamic.

Phil Waknell facilitating the Presentation Zen Experience seminar in Paris.

Plan2  Plan1
Participants work on developing their presentations in analog style first.

The great thing about seminars like this is not just the content that you get, but it’s also about the relationships that you make while there for the day (or two). The seminar is interactive and there are opportunities to get to know the other participants who are coming from all over the world. Get more details and register here. If you know of someone who could use some presentation training, please pass this information along.

Future Presentation Zen seminars by Ideas on Stage

Washington DC: March 21-22
Paris: April 14-15
Barcelona: June 9-10
Germany: July (city, dates tba)
New York: September (dates tba)
Paris: October/November (dates tba)
London: December (dates tba)

Learn more about this cool seminar on the Ideas on Stage site.


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